MCGC Neighbors
MCGC Neighbors - Tax Forum RSVP
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Murphy Creek
Community Tax Forum RSVP
MCGC Neighbors will be providing pizza for the Community Tax Forum at the Community Center on Wednesday, March 14, 2018, at 6:30PM.  Please RSVP below by Monday night, March 12, so we will know how many pizzas to get. 
We've also included some survey questions so you can let us know your thoughts about how you would like to see the Operations & Maintenance fee (O&M) collected.
Thank you for expressing your opinions about this important issue!  In addition to our other mill levies, the Aurora Regional Improvement tax (ARI) will start being collected as soon as the ballot question passes.
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Will you be attending the Community Tax Forum on March 14, 2018?
If attending, please let us know how many adults and how many children you will bring.
How would you like the Operations & Maintenance fee (O&M) to be collected?
 Through property tax - amount based on home value
 Through flat fee - all homes pay the same amount
If the same O&M amount for all could be collected through property tax, would you be in favor of that?
Do you fully understand the ramifications of the Aurora Regional Improvement tax (ARI) and its future effect on our mill levy?
Although this will be an open forum, please let us know if you have a specific question you want answered and enter the question below.
Any comments?