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MCGC Neighbors - Murphy Creek RV Storage Planning Commission Hearing RSVP
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RV Storage
Comment Submission &
Planning Commission Hearing RSVP
Public comments regarding this development application can still be submitted online, or you can come to the hearing and submit them there.  You can also speak for 3 minutes at this hearing. 
The public hearing for the RV Storage project is Wednesday, October 25, 2017Planning Commission hearings are held in the Council Chambers of the Aurora Municipal Building, located at 15151 East Alameda Parkway.  The hearings begin at 6PM.  
If you plan to speak, that's great!  But, even if you don't want to speak, we still need you to show up and be counted!

We want to get an idea of how many people will be attending, so please complete and submit the survey below.
Filter Type:

Please select all that apply for Submitting Comments
 Have submitted comments FOR the project
 Have submitted comments AGAINST the project
 Will submit comment FOR the project before hearing
 Will submit comment AGAINST project before hearing

Please select all that apply for October 25, 2017
 In favor of RV Storage
 Opposed to RV Storage
 Will attend hearing and speak
 Will attend hearing but not speak
 Would like to car pool
 Will not attend hearing

Please Select your Neighborhood:
If Other was selected above, please specify your Neighborhood below:

Any comments?