MCGC Neighbors
MCGC Neighbors - News Blast Opinion Poll
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News Blast Opinion Poll
MCGC Neighbors would like to know how our readers feel about the possibility of making the News Blast a benefit to paid members only, instead of distributing it freely to all who subscribe.

Currently, new memberships are $20, and renewal memberships are $15, but we are offering new memberships for $15, if you apply by September 15, 2019.
Please fill out the opinion poll below and let us know your thoughts. We ask  several questions, none of which is required, and we provide places for comments.

This opinion poll will remain open through September 30, 2019.
 Thank you for expressing your opinions.  Our board will consider all the responses carefully before making a decision.

Filter Type:
How often do you read the News Blast? Check all that apply.
 Every week
 Once or twice a month
 When I have time
 When it contains something of interest to me
 When someone forwards it to me
 When I'm looking for information
 Other - please specify below
Tell us other occasions when you read the News Blast
Does the News Blast provide helpful information?
Could you readily or easily get the same information from other sources that you currently get from the News Blast?
What other sources do you use for information? Check all that apply.
 Aurora Sentinel
 Denver Post
 Other newspapers
 Internet searches
 My Neighborhood HOA
 My Neighborhood Metro District
 City Council Meetings
 City Council Study Sessions
 Policy Committee Meetings
 Planning Commission Meetings
 Round Tables
 Social Media
 Other - Please specify below
Tell us about your Other Sources
Would you read the News Blast if it was only available as part of a paid membership?
Tell us why
Are you willing/able to volunteer to help MCGC Neighbors keep the community informed?
If you were willing/able to volunteer, where could you help? Check all that apply.
 Help update and maintain the website
 Help update and maintain the Facebook page
 Attend meetings and write summaries
 Write articles for the News Blast
 Help find advertisers and partners
 Attend monthly MCGC meetings
 Other - please specify below
Tell us other ways you can help
Tell us where you live
Other Neighborhood
Any comments?