MCGC Neighbors
Candidate Meet & Greet - Community Picnic
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MCGC NeighborsCandidate Meet & Greet /E470 Neighbors
Community Picnic RSVP
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Noon - 3:00 PM

MCGC Neighbors and E470 Neighbors are co-hosting a Community Picnic with a Candidate Meet & Greet in Murphy Creek at Homestead Park, 23945 East Florida Avenue.  In case of rain, we will move to the Murphy Creek Community Center, 23801 East Florida Avenue.

All 18 Mayoral and City Council candidates have been invited, and so are you!

We want to know how much food and how much seating we need, so please respond below letting us know how many adults and how many children we should expect.

Please respond as soon as possible.  We hope to see you all there!
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Please enter number of adults attending
Please enter number of children attending
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