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E-470 Metro Districts Group
Contact List
Thank you for your interest in participating in the E-470 Metro Districts Group!
Please complete the form below with contact information you are willing to share with others and any additions you may have to the list of suggested topics for discussion. 
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Current Suggested Discussion Topics
What is a Metro District?
Can/Should an HOA be combined with a Metro District?
Can/Should some expenses be funded between the City and the Metro District? - i.e. traffic lights
When/How should bonds be refinanced?
Can/Should Intergovernmental Agreements be created among our Metro Districts? - i.e. Waste Management
Can/Should multiple metro districts be combined?
How to deal with Aurora Regional Improvements?
Reorganize regional development areas
TABOR requirements
Service Plan Amendments
Developer Reimbursement Requests
Consolidating or dissolving districts
Are there any instances when a metro district should waive a law firm's conflict of interest?
Advantages/Disadvantages of an Operating District
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