MCGC Neighbors
MCGC Neighbors - Metro District Panel
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Metro District Panel
Interest Survey
If enough people are interested, MCGC Neighbors will sponsor a Metro District Panel to promote education regarding metro districts.  The panel members could speak on several different topics, such as:  refinancing bonds; paying for traffic lights; board member eligibility; legal representation; etc.  The panelists would speak from a real-world perspective of having served on Metro District Boards.
The recent Service Plan amendments for Murphy Creek brought a number of questions about metro districts to the forefront, so we would like to know how many people would attend this type of panel.
We would appreciate it if you would answer the questions in the survey below.
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Would you attend a Metro District Panel Discussion?
Where Would you Attend? Check all that apply.
 Tallyn's Reach Library
 Murphy Creek Community Center
 Cross Creek Community Center
 Heritage Eagle Bend Community Center
 Aurora Library - main branch
 Other Locations
If Other Locations, Please Specify Below:
Please Select your Neighborhood:
If Other Neighborhood, Please Specify Below:
Any comments?