MCGC Neighbors
MCGC Neighbors - Casino Trip 2016
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Casino Trip
We are very glad that you are considering joining us on a trip to the casinos in Black Hawk on Saturday, April 30!  Adults only please.
Please fill out the form below with your contact information - all fields, except the Comments field, are required.  If enough people are interested, we will charter the bus and ask for non-refundable payment in advance.  The number of people joining us will determine the cost, but we anticipate it will cost between $28 and $38 per person.
Paid members of MCGC Neighbors will receive $5 off the price of the bus trip, so, if you aren't already a member, fill out the membership application on our website and send us your $15 annual membership fee so you can take advantage of the discount.  Please visit the Membership Partner page of our website to see the other discounts you will receive as a paid member of MCGC Neighbors.
Again, thank you for your interest in our casino trip!
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