MCGC Neighbors
MCGC Neighbors - Advertising Evaluation
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Advertising Evaluation
We are very glad that you chose to advertise with MCGC Neighbors, and we would appreciate your feedback.  So that we may continue to improve, please answer the questions below and submit this form.
Although all fields are optional, we would sincerely appreciate your feedback.
Again, thank you for advertising with MCGC Neighbors. We appreciate your support!
Filter Type:
Type of Business you Advertised:
Did you notice an increase in interest for your business?
 Increase in phone calls
 Increase in website hits
 Increase in foot traffic (if a storefront)
 No difference noticed
Was it easy to do business with MCGC Neighbors?
Was it easy to place your ad with us?
Would you consider advertising with us again?
Would you consider recommending our advertising to others?
Would you like us to contact you? If so, please check Yes and include your phone number.
Please offer comments, both positive and negative, as we are interested in improving.