MCGC Neighbors
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MCGC Neighbors

Who We Are


Murphy Creek Golf Course Neighbors (MCGC Neighbors) is registered with the City of Aurora as a Neighborhood Group in Murphy Creek. As a registered Neighborhood Group, we receive notification of proposed future development projects near Murphy Creek, and we keep the Community informed via email and this website.


Our group organized in the summer of 2011, in response to the HOA's disregard of community opinion regarding the RV/Boat Storage project. Even though we were unsuccessful in stopping that project, we saw an ongoing need for this organization, so we developed a more formalized structure and formed a nonprofit corporation. We hold monthly breakfast Board meetings, typically on the first Saturday of each month at 10:00 a.m. at the Tavern, but this can change, so please check the calendar on our website for our meeting dates.  We invite you to attend, and we welcome your input and participation!


Our Mission Statement


"To receive and disseminate information about our community that may impact our way of life. We strive to foster a strong sense of community, improve neighborhood relations, and be an additional advocate for the residents of Murphy Creek to our HOA and the City of Aurora."

Our Accomplishments


We are proud to say that we:


·       Began educating ourselves about the City Zoning Codes when the Planning Commission approved the proposed RV/Boat Storage project - July, 2011


·       Added a Bulletin Board to our website, which is open to the community - August, 2011


·       Succeeded in getting City Council to call up the storage project for reconsideration - August, 2011


·       Hosted a community Potluck to educate the community about the Zoning Codes and why the storage project did not fit into our neighborhood at a prominent and busy entrance to our community - September, 2011


·       Gave a 15 minute presentation of our findings to City Council and organized and mobilized 83 homeowners to attend 2 City Council meetings to voice their opinions about the storage project - September, 2011


·       Began planning our formalized structure - October, 2011


·       Worked with the HOA to change the Metro District and Master Association Board meetings from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. so more homeowners could attend - January, 2012


·       Adopted our windmill logo and began formally publishing the MCGC Neighbors News Blast - February, 2012


·       Began publishing HOA events in the News Blast when the change in management companies resulted in no website and limited email capability for the new management company - February, 2012


·       Established a committee and began notifying residents about fracking near the neighborhood - February, 2012


·       Hosted a Meet and Greet to introduce the community to our Elected Officials - March, 2012


·       Signed our first advertisers for the News Blast - April, 2012


·       Worked to get several of our members appointed to the HOA and Metro District Boards - June, 2012


·       Hosted a community cookout before the Big Band Concert – July, 2012


·       Signed our first Membership Partners, with benefits for MCGC Neighbors paid members - August, 2012


·       Co-hosted a Block Party with the Plains Conservation Center, the Conservatory, and Tollgate Crossing, and signed our first members - August, 2012


·       Have one of our members on the Oil and Gas Subcommittee - September, 2012


·       Began providing updates on the convenience store and gas station - October, 2012


·       Began providing updates on the District's plan to exclude property from the District so the Archdiocese of Denver could build a church - October, 2012


·       Hosted a Pumpkin Hunt and magic show for the neighborhood - October, 2012


·       Established a committee, Murphy Creek Concerned Citizens, and received Party Status for the Statewide Groundwater Sampling and Monitoring Rule, as well as the Statewide Setbacks and Aesthetics and Noise Control Rule - November, 2012


·       Researched and provided information about the Seismic Recording Devices and Thumper trucks - January, 2013


·       Celebrated the first anniversary of our MCGC Neighbors News Blast - February, 2013


·       Obtained information about the liquor store that will be part of the convenience store - February, 2013


·       Notified neighborhood of liquor license hearing - March, 2013
·       Signed the Murphy Creek Tavern as a Membership Partner - April, 2013

·       Received confirmed information about the potential danger of unexploded fracking pipes from a News Blast reader and notified the community – July, 2013


·       Co-hosted a second Block Party with the Plains Conservation Center, Cross Creek, Gun Club Estates, Thunderbird Estates, and The Conservatory – August, 2013


·       Hosted our first Small Business Expo for the neighborhood, with 23 businesses participating and good attendance from the community – September, 2013
·      Hosted a Piñata Bash and Balloon Twister for the neighborhood - October, 2013
·       Began reporting on weather conditions in Murphy Creek through our community volunteer weather tracker - December, 2013
·       Published our first Guest Writer article in the News Blast - January, 2014
·       Alerted the community that the Zoning Codes would be changing some Conditional Uses to Permitted Uses, thereby avoiding some Public Hearings and weakening the public's ability to object to some developments - February, 2014
·       Provided information to Murphy Creek residents on how to run for Metro District 3 board positions - February, 2014
·       Reported the impressions of several neighbors who attended the ConocoPhillips Open House for its first well applications near Murphy Creek - March, 2014
·       Published a Guest Writer article telling the Murphy Creek Golf Course Story and established an Archives page on our website to keep articles of historical significance to our group and to our community - March, 2014
·       Published an article in response to community concerns about chemicals being put in prairie dog burrows along Flat Rock Dr. and Harvest Road - March, 2014
·       Published a Guest Writer article of Home Safety Tips - April, 2014
·       Began notifying the public about the City's intent to administratively approve oil and gas waivers, without going before the Planning Commission with a Public Hearing - July, 2014
·       Requested feedback on well applications and administrative waivers from the community via a survey - July, 2014
·       Called attention to the City ignoring its own ordinance regarding the processing of oil and gas waivers, in order to process them without going before the Planning Commission with a Public Hearing - August, 2014
·       In response to community requests, we began to accept credit card payments through a secure link on our website - August, 2014
·       Continued contacting the City and notifying residents that the City wasn't following it's own rules, regarding oil and gas waivers - August, 2014 
·       Received a justification and a legal opinion from the City regarding its processing of oil and gas waivers - September, 2014
·       Reported that the City had now sent out a survey asking for community input regarding the processing of oil and gas waivers - September, 2014
·       Notified the community about more new well applications near Murphy Creek - October, 2014
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